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A World Awoken Achievement Boost

Mythic Store / A World Awoken Achievement Boost

Introducing the prestigious Good Boy's Leash - Taivan mount, awarded to those who achieve the new meta-achievement "A World Awoken" in Dragonflight Patch 10.2.6!

This remarkable achievement encompasses a multitude of tasks, including completing three Dragonflight raids, mastering the Dragon Isles Pathfinder, 

attaining Loremaster status, fulfilling various meta-achievements, and reaching full renown in Dragonflight. It's an impressive feat indeed! 

But fear not, for we offer a solution to bypass the arduous grind associated with these challenges. With our A World Awoken achievement boost, 

you can obtain the Good Boy's Leash - Taivan mount effortlessly. Our experienced team will handle all the tedious tasks and routine farming for you, 

ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience. Don't let daunting achievements deter you from obtaining this magnificent mount. 

Purchase the A World Awoken & Good Boy's Leash boost from us today and embark on your journey to greatness without the stress and monotony of grinding.

Service Summary Requirements

Character level 70

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This service offers:

  • Achievement A World Awoken
  • Good Boy's Leash mount from Meta-Achievement
  • Tons of achievements completed during the service
  • All Dragonflight zones fully explored and main questlines completed
  • Mouts from others achievements
  • Gold, items, and other valuable loot acquired during the boost

A World Awoken main list of Achievements:


In Dragonflight Patch 10.2.6, a formidable meta-achievement emerged, centered around all facets of Dragonflight activities. Only the most dedicated players who fully immerse themselves in Dragonflight's world can attain this prestigious achievement. To give you an idea of the extensive journey required to achieve this feat, here is a comprehensive list of the tasks you must complete:

A World Awoken main list of rewars:

This is an expansion-wide meta achievement meant to be obtained over the course of many months of playing, it is quite time consuming but also quite rewarding as between all the achievements you get the following rewards:






Drakewatcher Manuscripts:


Q: How much time does this boost take?

A: It all depends on the progress you currently have and which stage of the game is currently unlocked. Estimated timeframes are 6-8 weeks.

Q: What is Piloted Boosting?
A: Our Piloted Boosting service allows one of our experienced boosters to login to your World of Warcraft account and take full control of your character until your desired goal is achieved. We will schedule the boosting process to avoid interfering with your game time. 

Q: What is Remote? 
A: Remote Boosting uses a specialized app, allowing our boosters to securely access only to the game without needing login details. Your PC will be unavailable during the boost, but we'll schedule it at a convenient time for you.

Q: What is VPN and how is it used during boosting? 
A: VPN (Virtual Private Network) routes game activity through a secure, encrypted connection, usually mimicking the customer's country connection. This provides an extra layer of security and privacy for your Battle.net account used by our booster during order activities. 

Q: What is LiveStream and how does it work? 
A: We offer a LiveStream option for completing your order where you can see all the processes in real-time with your own eyes. However, LiveStream may be unavailable in some cases due to technical reasons. 

Q: Do you offer a refund if I'm not satisfied with the service?
A: We are committed to providing the best possible experience for our customers. If you're not satisfied with the service, please contact our support team to discuss your concerns, and we'll work towards a resolution that meets your needs.


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