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Ultimate Guide to Obtaining the Prismatic Snapdragon Mount in Patch 11.0.7

Mythic Store / Blog / Ultimate Guide to Obtaining the Prismatic Snapdragon Mount in Patch 11.0.7

How to Obtain the Prismatic Snapdragon Mount

The Prismatic Snapdragon can be earned by interacting with the Starving Snapdragon Runt found at the Flotsam Shoal on Siren Isle. To gain access to this questline, you must first complete the introduction quests for Siren Isle and unlock world quests and weekly activities in the zone.

Once you meet these requirements, the Starving Snapdragon Runt will offer you a daily quest that progresses through several stages of its growth.

Step-by-Step Questline

The Prismatic Snapdragon grows over time as you complete daily quests. Keep in mind that only one quest is available per day, and there is no catch-up mechanic, meaning you must complete them over a period of 10 days.

Daily Quest Breakdown:

How to Customize the Prismatic Snapdragon’s Color

One of the best features of the Prismatic Snapdragon is the ability to change its color using Snapdragon Treats. These treats can be collected through various activities on Siren Isle.

Shapdragon Treat Source

A Loyal Friend
First and default Snapdragon color

Crimson Snapdragon Treat
Plank-Master Bluebelly
Rare available during Pirate Invasions

Sandy Snapdragon TreatSeafarer's Cache
Chests in the sea in Siren Isle

Muddy Snapdragon Treat
Tracking Stonesniffer
Normal mob available during Vrykul invasions

Royal Snapdragon Treat
Darktide Oracle
Killed Naga on the island for awhile and it dropped

Storminfused Snapdragon Treat
Any mobs in the Storm phase of Siren Isle.

Inky Snapdragon Treat
Gazix Fusegrease <Gazlowe's Greasemonkeys>
You must have the Trashmaster title or the cloak

Kaja'Cola-Braised Snapdragon Treat
Blinky Greasefingers <Chef>
Talk to him in Flotsam Shoal after completing the quest Redemption Guaranteed 
Redemption Guaranteed

Changing Your Prismatic Snapdragon’s Color

Once you have collected a Snapdragon Treat, it is permanently unlocked and available for purchase from Zexel Fingersnap on Siren Isle. The price per treat is 5 Flame-Blessed Iron, and you can freely switch between the colors you have unlocked.

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